Saturday, February 11, 2012

Will u loose weight fast if you only eat fruit and vegetables?

or should i do this

There's a 7 day diet that boosts your metabolism. It only lasts those 7 days but it works. In the first few days, you'll burn between 7 and 15 lbs. It's called the prefast diet. It takes away your cravings for anything unhealthy too. Go over to Click to enter. Then find the prefast diet on the righthandside of the screen. Click there. The diet works but it's really tough to last the 7 days.


Pre-Fast Diet

Below is a pre-fasting diet which will helps cleanse the body from toxins, but stimulates metabolism of your body. You will probably lose seven to twelve pounds in one week, depending on your present body weight.

6 large green onions, (scallions - but we used regular onions), 2 green peppers, 1 or 2 large cans of tomatoes, 1 bunch of celery, 1 large head of cabbage, 1 pkg of Lipton Onion Soup Mix.

Season with salt, pepper, curry, parsley, etc., if desired, or 6 bouillon cubes. (Note: Half of this recipe was made and used according to following instructions by two people for four days. We kept it continually hot in a crock pot.) Cut vegetables in small to medium pieces and cover with water. Boil fast for ten minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue cooking until vegetables are tender. This can be eaten anytime you are hungry. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want at any time of the day. This soup will not add calories; the more you eat, the more you lose. If eaten alone for indefinite periods, you would suffer malnutrition. Fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during day.

Day One. All fruits except bananas. Your first day should consist of all the fruit you want, except bananas. Cantaloupes and watermelons are lower in calories than most fruits. Eat only your soup and fruits the first day. For drinks – unsweetened tea, cranberry juice, or water.

Day Two. All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with all the fresh, raw, or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat green, leafy vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner time on this day, reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Eat all the soup you want this day, but don’t eat fruits.

Day Three. Mix day one and day two. Eat all the soup, fruit, and vegetables you want. You CAN’T have a baked potato this day.


Day Four. Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skimmed milk as you can on this day along with your soup. Bananas are high in calories and so is the milk, but on this particular day of our diet your body will need the potassium and the carbohydrates, proteins and calcium to lessen your craving for sweets.

Day Five. Beef and tomatoes (or salad). You may have 10-20 ounces this day. Try to drink as many as 6-8 glasses of water this day to wash away the uric acid in your body. Eat your soup at least once this day.

Day Six. Beef and veggies. Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have two or three steaks if you like with green, leafy vegetables but no baked potatoes. Be sure to eat soup at least once this day.

Day Seven. Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables. Again, stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat soup at least once today.


This seven day eating plan can be used as often as you like. As a matter of fact, if correctly followed, it will clean your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being as never before. After only days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter, at least 10 and possibly 17 pounds, and have an abundance of energy. Continue this plan as long as you wish and feel the difference. This diet is a fast, fat-burning diet. the secret is that you will burn more calories than you take in. It will flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. This diet does not lend itself to drinking any alcoholic beverages at any time because of the removal of fat buildups in your system. Go off the diet at least 24 hours before any intake of alcohol. Because everyone’s digestive system is different, this diet will affect everyone differently.

Will u loose weight fast if you only eat fruit and vegetables?
You will not starve. You will not instantly become thin. Fasting is consuming only liquids. When the body does not have to deal with digesting solid food and getting rid of the waste that solid food creates, it can concentrate on getting rid of toxins. The most common reason to fast is to eliminate disease or from the body.

How much weight will I lose?

The main benefit offered by a fast, to those who wish to lose weight, is the speed of the weight loss. To see a person drop 30-to-40 pounds in a 30-day juice fast is to see a person totally transform his life. Self-esteem is given a boost and for the first time in their life, discipline becomes a lifestyle. The fast becomes a catalyst for a total life overhaul. People start dressing better, showing more confidence, becoming more organized, more dedicated in relationships and more at peace.

Initially, weight loss can be as high as three-to-four pounds per day, but as the fast continues, the average loss will be one pound-per-day. If you are juice fasting and not losing weight, the juice is supplying all the calories you need. You may have to cut down on the juices or alternate between water fasting and juice fasting if losing weight is part of your goal. The slower your metabolism is the slower the weight loss.

Try to stay focused on the healthy things you are doing to improve your life rather than being consumed with the number of pounds lost each day. Water retention can vary your weight five pounds so watching the scale can be frustrating. The best motivation to fast is for physical and spiritual health. Be patient; the fasting process is slow. Be thankful the toxins are leaving your body. Do not have unrealistic expectations. Give your body the time it needs to do the work of cleansing.

Fasting And Metabolism

The fear is that while fasting, the metabolism will slow down and afterward there will be more weight gained than before the fast. Initially, any calorie reduction will cause a lowering in the BMR or base metabolic rate. Cleansing will bring health that will increase metabolic performance and energy output. In other words, you will eat less and feel more energetic.

After fasting, the body is more efficient. Digestion is better due to a cleaner colon. The colon walls have been cleansed of impacted feces, allowing improved absorption of nutrients. The good news is that greater efficiency equals enhanced energy. Healthy people burn more calories. They also eat less because they are more active and feel better about themselves. They don't need food as a security blanket.

The greatest impact you can have on increasing your resting metabolism is exercise. After a workout, you can be sitting on the couch reading while burning calories, as the muscles are grabbing glucose from the blood to replace glycogen supplies. The key to weight loss is fewer calories and more exercise. A diet high in raw food provides fewer, low-density calories, and higher-fiber, more-filling foods.

Oh, by the way, a slower metabolism diminishes aging. A tortoise can live to 400 hundred years of age.
Reply:Eating ONLY fruits and vegetables? Sure.. ud lose weight. And you may even get sick and die from Malnutrition. You need other sources of nutrients to survive, not just fruits and vegetables.

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