Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why did God create the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge?

If He didn't want Eve to eat the fruit, why create it in the first place? And, why did He create the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the fruit?

Why did God create the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge?
God created man with free will knowing man had a sin nature and man would sin.

Without the law man would not realize his sin or his need for God.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil is symbolic for the law.

Man could not live up to God's righteousness.

Sin caused a separation between man and righteous God.

This separation from our Creator who sustains us is death.

The wages of sin is death.

This is the reason for the tree of life.

This is the reason Christ came to the world to overcome temptation as a man and to overcome sin and death for those who accept the atonement. Through the righteousness of Christ man can be joined to a righteous God for eternal life.

We are by faith made new and are rejoined to God for eternity with him.

Simply ignoring man's sin does not restore man to righteousness It is through the law we realize our need for God, for a savior.

The law could not make a man righteous but does show us our need for God.

Through the atonement we are by faith made new.

God foreknew of sin it is not a part of his plan, His plan is to deliver you from sin.

There are two trees in the midst of the garden,

The tree of knowledge of good and evil (the law) God's righteousness.

The tree of life (mercy) God's plan of salvation.

God created man he fully understood that man's nature was to sin.

Not allowing man to be tempted did not solve the problem.

God gave man the law knowing man would sin.

The law was not intended to make man righteous but to reveal to us our sin nature,

It is through the law we realize our need for God (a savior)

In this story of Genesis, God reveals man's fall from God's glory the fact that separation from a righteous God means death and God's plan of salvation to bring his creation to his righteousness through Jesus Christ.
Reply:God is perfect, Thus he would not command his children to partake of the forbidden fruit because if they did they would become mortal and die and he knew that. However with out partaking of the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve would never have known right from wrong it is the first step to becoming like God himself.
Reply:The tree in the Biblical myth story was the "Tree Of Knowledge of Good and Evil." It is important to note the full name, because of the following question:

If Adam and Eve had not yet eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, then they would not have known it was "evil" to disobey god. It would have been only AFTER they had eaten of the tree that they would have realized it was "evil" to disobey god. So they had no way of knowing they were doing wrong until AFTER they committed the wrong that god punished them for by throwing them out of the Garden of Eden.

Seems somehow very very unfair.

So much for creation myths.
Reply:I'm not sure God reveals God's purposes to us; this merely points out what we already know, intuitively, and places it in a story we can "work out" in a way. We are the animals of the planet who "know" things, and truly do "have dominion" over it-- as terrible a burden and responsibility as that is (and as awful a job as we have done). We weren't meant to stay in the garden, we were meant to be cast out and live a life not of idle but of interaction and work and relationship. Women have always been where men have projected their sorrows about the burdens of life; women are closer to the earth, to nature, in the male imagination. Yes, this is a sacred story, but we need not ask God why it worked out this way-- it's a terribly human story.
Reply:God is imaginary. There were no Adam, Eve, serpent, or apple. This is a myth that attempts to explain the origin of the world, of so-called sin and of human suffering. But since you're a smart cookie, you already knew that.
Reply:he wanted us to freely choose whether to do good or evil. adam and eve freely chose to eat the fruit and disobey God. also, the devil was the serpent. he was created first as an angel. but just like he created man, God created angels with a free nature. the devil and other fallen angels (called demons) freely chose to reject God and burn forever in hell.
Reply:I don't get why the Tree of Knowledge is bad. Does that mean that knowledge is forbidden as its fruits are?

But anyway, you'll get answers saying it's about their choice to obey God or not. Bla blah blah, same answer as usual. However... why give Free Will if we get punished for going against him?
Reply:Because choice without something to choose between isn't a choice, is it?

and to add to that, would people know what good is if there is not a bad, and if so, would you really appreciate it??

and to further add to that, in life would you appreciate having money, if you never experienced not having money??
Reply:God simply created.

Satan made himself a satan by rebelling.

The tree was just a tree, but God used it as a test run.

Any time we make something, near the end we say,

"O.K. let's see if this thing works."

God installed obedience in the first man.

He wanted to see if it worked.

Sadly, Adam made a huge effort to go against his natural inclination to obey .....and sinned (disobeyed).
Reply:It was a test with a predictable outcome. God could not create man in a carnal state and therefore, had to give Adam and Eve a means by which they could disobey him and therefore, be sent into and become part of the carnal (mortal) world.
Reply:how can people say "THERE IS NO GOD" how can you be so sure? WHO ARE YOU? why do you do think you know everything? that pisses me off so bad

oh yeah, thumb be down you increcible atheist, i suppose that makes you feel powerful too just like when you like to tell yourself %26amp; other that you believe there is no God. Which means once you die, you're degraded to less than what you already are, a decomposed mess eaten by maggots. AND NOTHING MORE.EVER. yeah i bet that makes you feel real powerful now doesnt it
Reply:You still believe in that bed time story? Next, you'll tell me that we all came from Eve. That means that Adam, Cain, and Abel all had sex with her. How does that fit with your little world?
Reply:Satan ruined things but if they had listened we would all be in paradise. He wont give sinners immortal life..unless they repent

He made them human AFTER Satan rebelled..

Satan was orig an angel...BEfore he rebelled... He was thrown down..
Reply:God took the word entrapment way to literally.
Reply:Because choice without something to choose between isn't a choice, is it?
Reply:It is an Interesting Story...!!
Reply:Why try to explain the actions of mythological Gods?
Reply:Because he's a sadistic SOB
Reply:To play with people and tease them a bit. It all seems too unreal.
Reply:He thinks it's great fun to tempt people.
Reply:To give Adam and Eve a free choice
Reply:Oh goodie, I love a good fruity question.

I teach from the manuscripts. Sorry, there is no fruit in the

sin. No apple, I'm afraid. Not a single one.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not a planted

tree. In fact, the very word "tree" as utilized in Scripture denotes both the opening and shutting of the eye as well as a backbone and spinal cord. Whats that mean? Its not a tree,

its an entity. The tree of the knowledge of good/evil was

Satan himself. The Tree of Life in the Garden was Christ.

Satan beguiled Eve. "Beguiled" means "wholly seduced".

When Adam and Eve sinned, they tied fig leaves together to make what? Was it a mask to hide their mouths because they had eaten forbidden fruit? No, it was aprons to cover their private parts - those parts that participated in the sin they were so ashamed of.

When God confronted them all about the sin, He told Eve

that one consequence of her part in this sin was that He

(God) would muliply her CONCEPTION. WHAT?? How the

hell did fruit do THAT? Well, I won't draw any pictures.

God did multiply her conception - multiplied by two, exactly:

Eve was pregnant with twins: one pregancy of two separate

conceptions: Abel was Adams son, but Cain was NOT.

Hard to believe? Go to Rev 5 and read the complete geneology of Adam: you won't find Cain listed in it, because

Cain was not Adams son. Likewise, go to Gen 4 and read

the complete geneology of Cain - you won't find Adam there

because Adam was simply not the father of Cain. Satan was.

Do you understand Biblically, what Satan was trying to do

here? Eve jeopardized the line of lineage that thru her,

down the generations, womb-to-womb, was to come the

Christ child. If Satan could pollute that lineage with his own

seed (yes, the manuscripts say "sperma") then Christ could

not have been born thru it, except that he (Satan) be an integrel part of it. This is why God separated those

conceptions. Where you read that Eve bore Cain and then

again bare his brother, Abel - that word "again" in the manuscripts is actually "continued in labor". What does it

mean when you have a baby and then your labor continues

and you have a second baby? TWINS. Both boys later

took their offerings to God at the exact same time, because they both reached the age of accountability at the exact same

time: TWINS.

Cain was later thrown out of the Garden, and God placed a mark on him. Ever hear of the Mark of the Beast? Here is

its beginning, right here placed onto Cain - the mark identifying his very own blood father, Satan himself.

Thats why Cain said he couldn't bear that mark, because everyone who saw it would kill him. Yeah, no doubt.

Cain travels to the town of Nod, where the sixth day creation

of all the races were living. He took a wife, and had lots of

decendants called Kenites in Scripture. They even made it

thru the flood of Noah, and you will find them raising havoc

all through the rest of the Old Testament, as well as the NT.

Note when God told the Rabbi in the Synagogue: "you are of your father, the devil, and the deeds you will do: he was a

MURDERER from the beginning......who was the first murderer? Cain, of course. Christ was speaking to one of

Satans very own offspring. Now when you read Matthew

13:36, the Parable of the Tares, it will take on a whole new

meaning for you.

There is alot more written in Gods Word than whats being



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