Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Allergic to fruit?

Does anyone else get an itchy/scratchy feeling in their mouth and throat when eating fruit? What causes this? My mouth actually gets swollen when I eat some fruit. I never had this problem until after age 25 or so....

Allergic to fruit?
i don't get those symptom,s but i do get migraines if i'm anywhere within a 3 metre radius of anything with orange or orange flavouring in it. i also get really bad wind if i eat onions so i've pretty much cut them out of my diet completely i'm mildly caffeine intolerant and don't drink tea or coffee i do eat chocolate and drink certain fizzy drinks these intolerances are as a result of having vertigo sounds crazy I know but it's true. i would DEFINITELY go and get this problem checked out
Reply:this happens 2 me 2... i read that it has sumthin 2 do with the chemicals in the insecticides they use.... u might be allegic to them and it doesnt matter that u started this at 25 becuz u can develop allergies to sumthing at any time of ur life..if i want 2 eat fruit and i dont want an itchy/ scratchy throat or gums ( i hate the gums part of it) then i take some benadryl before i eat some.... this also prevents my throat from getting swollen or closing up... hope i helped/..
Reply:It can be OAS (oral allergy syndrome). It triggers by eating fruits like bananas or melons. Check this out:


Allergies can develop at any age. I started being allergic to pollen around the age of 24.
Reply:I cannot eat oranges and sometimes limes. They are too acidic. I get blisters on my tongue or canker sores or a scratchy throat. My grandmother's jaw and ear swells when she eats oranges. I did not have this prob. untill I was 27 and had my 1st child.
Reply:Yes that happens to me, it also started after I was grown. I've heard people who have hayfever can also be allergic to fruit that has the same type of pollen. I had to stop eating melons after my throat swelled. If your throat swells, you should probably stop eating it, because it can get worse each successive time.
Reply:yea... i get it when i eat watermelon or melons in general. my throat get itchy and i have to drink tons of water or run my tongue against the back of my mouth. it sucks. its been like that for a couple of years, and im 16

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