Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do you wash your fruit before you eat?

I mean fruit such as bananas and oranges, the fruit you don't eat peels...

My mother always washes before eat them, but I'd never done that until I read in the magazine "Parenting" that you should wash bananas and oranges before you eat because of a bunch of bacterias and germs on the skins.

Do you wash your fruit?

2 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer.

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Do you wash your fruit before you eat?
Yep all the time, you never know what's on it !! Happy Holidays..
Reply:yes, just to be safe
Reply:Yes I wash all of my fruit and veggies
Reply:I wash my banana before I eat it
Reply:To be honest, I dont wash bananas, but I do rinse everything else...
Reply:I wash all my fruit before i eat it
Reply:Nah, only fruit I wash are apples, cuz I eat the skin.

For oranges n such, I don't bother washing it. It's probably not as healthy, but laziness always defeats purpose in my mind.
Reply:i do not wash bananas or oranges. i wash everything else. (oh, except watermelon, i don't wash that either)

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