Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What type of fruit will lighten your hair?

do any of you now how to lighten hair with fruit juice well not how butt what kind of fruit juice? my hair is getting darker and my friends ask why and i have no idia so i want it lighter but with out having tio die it i heard use fruit but what kind?????????

HELP ME!!plz

What type of fruit will lighten your hair?
try real 100% lemon juice. peroxide will do it too.
Reply:fresh lemon juice works really good.. put it on then tan. and let it sink in.. then wash it out.
Reply:pure lemon juice or you can buy some hair lightning spray similar. Put it on your hair and then as you are out in the sun it will lighten you hair. My hair did the same thing... older I get the darker it gets...

Good luck!
Reply:Many many years ago when I was a young teen (early 90's) I used to use this product called Sun In. Whether they still sell it or not I do not know but it has lemon juice in it I believe. Either way...its nota die but you spray it in and either sit in the sun to dry it or blow dry and it really does work.
Reply:Lemon juice but it has a tendency to fry your hair . It ends up very brittle and breaks easily. Try going to a salon and get the advice of a hair dresser. Good Luck
Reply:lemon in the sun
Reply:lemons and other acidic fruits

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Reply:Lemon juice will do it.
Reply:mix 3 parts lemon juice with two parts lime and 1 part water, spray into the hair and sit in Sun. wash out and rinse well.

should work

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