Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fruit flies in the apt - but I cannot find the source?

For one week now, I have fruit flies all over my apartment. My place is in a newer building. I did not have any fruits/veggies out, nor do I have plants or flowers. I have two cats, and I clean their litter box daily. My place is clean, and I do not have anything "rotting" anywhere (no dirty dishes, etc.). A couple days ago I could not take it anymore and got myself a bottle of Raid - that killed the adult (flying) ones of course, but now, a couple days later, they (the young ones) are back. I am at my wits end, and clueless at this point: where are they hiding? I reckon I need to find their breeding area - I looked in sinks, drains, etc. already - but nothing. What should I try next?

Fruit flies in the apt - but I cannot find the source?
Fruit fly larve hatch in about 10 days - which is probably why you have the little buggers back.

Here's a trick to use to help catch them....

Simple bait traps made using a small pop bottle or fruit juice bottle can be effective against the adults. Two drops of soap to break surface tension is mixed with fruit juice, beer, or apple cider as an attractant. Fruit flies are attracted to the fruit juice and become trapped when they land to lay eggs. The trap can be even more effective by placing saran wrap over the mouth of the bottle and punching holes in the center of the saran wrap with a needle. The holes are made just big enough for the fruit fly to enter. The flies will be attracted by the juice, enter through the holes but cannot find their way out.
Reply:I like the flour answer above.

I had this one time, and it was from a decorative loaf of bread that was varnished.
Reply:Actually you need to stop their breeding cycle which is only a day or so. That means attacking the result of the problem.

Try putting a little water, sugar and vinegar into a pop bottle. Add one drop of household dish liquid dish detergent. It will attract the flies and they won't be able to get out..they'll drown. The more young adults you get, the less eggs will be laid.

This past year has been a bad one for fruit flies everywhere in NA
Reply:Maybe they are not fruit flies. Maybe they are those little black flying bugs that sometimes are in flour. Do you have a bag of flour in your cupboard? If so, check it to see. If not flour, sometimes they come in organic food sources such as cereals. If it is the flour, etc. consider storing it in glass containers in the future.
Reply:i got them too in my old apartment i have no idea how we got them always during the summer all ican say is put sticky fly paper up u can find these at ur local drug store and put them up where they hang out all the time worked for me
Reply:I am not a professional but, I had to deal with fuit flies when I moved into my rental and so I speak from some experience. I had to shampoo all the rugs in the house with dog shampoo. The one for fleas and tics. I also used vinegar for sterilization and ordor control (grandma told me to use this). These two items worked and I haven't been bothered since. You will also have to wash your cupboards just in case there are eggs around about waiting for a chance to mature. It may be a newer building but someone else most likely lived there before was the case for me.
Reply:The cats dragged in something you have not found yet.

Fly paper like someone else suggested is good. You could remove yourself and your cats and fumigate the place with insect killer. They sell that stuff in hardware and grocery stores too.


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