Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why is a tomato a fruit?

Why is it that a tomato is a fruit yet we use it as a vegetable in cooking and in salad? I mean when was the last time you put ketchup with ice cream or chocolate sauce over a nice hot tomato? And why is it a fruit? why is an avocado a fruit? What makes these fruit fruit?

Why is a tomato a fruit?
Because they have SEEDS...Vegetables don't, you're eating the plant itself...but a plant also produces FRUIT, the purpose of which is to continue its species by getting animals to eat it and spread its seeds...In fertilizer...And yes, you are eating the plants sexual organs...
Reply:because all fruits have seeds and vegetables do not so since tomatoes have seeds they are fruits
Reply:It's a fruit because it's got SEEDS!!! Ever noticed?
Reply:the reason why an avacoda and a tomtaoe are a fruit is bcuz they have seads. all fruit have seeds. and rarely any vegetables have seeds.
Reply:Because they love other tomatoes !
Reply:It continues to ripen off the vine.

Vegetables don't do that.

And ketchup is prepared a way that you're not going to put it in ice cream-- there are other ingredients that won't go over very well.

Not all fruits need to be thrown into a dessert.
Reply:because they have seeds that why
Reply:im not sure, it grows on a tree above ground that might be somthing to do with it ?
Reply:it's now considered a vegetable by the supreme court. google it.
Reply:I consider it a vegetable, but botanists consider it a fruit because of its seeds.
Reply:Botanically, because it has seeds, it's considered a fruit. Just like, cucumbers, green/red peppers, and avocado.
Reply:It's something about the seeds. I've never understood it either.
Reply:A tomato is a fruit becuase fruits have seeds. Vegetables don't have seeds in them.
Reply:because its eaten in San Francisco....ok sorry bad joke.
Reply:by looking at all these answers we can deduce this:

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.

Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad!

Reply:It is a fruit because of the seeds. However, I was always told that when you cook it, it changes chemically, releasing lycopene, and it becomes a vegetable.
Reply:it is a fruit because it has more than 1 seed like a pumpkin

people fight over that
Reply:fruits have seeds, vegtables dont
Reply:Tomatoes are fruit of the citrus family and you eat the seeds. Avocados are considered a stone fruit as are peaches and apricots.
Reply:Because it has seeds.
Reply:because they have seeds
Reply:A tomato is a fruit because it has seeds. With this, pumpkins, squash, and even leaves are fruits. If you have noticed, no vegies have seeds.
Reply:vegetables have no seeds, and since a tomato has seeds, it is therefore classified as a fruit, like pumpkins.
Reply:Anything that is the ripe ovary of a plant containing seeds is a fruit.

A vegetable is basically any part of the plant that is not a fruit. The roots, stems, leaves, etc.

Grocers classify fruits and vegetables by how they are used rather than the actual botanical classification. Vegetables you eat during the meal, fruits at the end.

BTW: This question has been asked over 600 times on Yahoo Answers. Why ask it again?
Reply:because it grows above ground unlike most of the other vegetables that are found beneith the ground.
Reply:generally a fruit is the edible part of the plant that contains the seeds.

A vegetable is a herbaceous (green and leaf like in appearance or texture) plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers
Reply:so is a bellpeper a fruit also , is a jalapeno pepper a fruit?
Reply:a tomato is a fruit because every fruit has a seed like a peach it has a giant seed as we call it pit but its a seed even bananas have seeds but they're really hard to see so think of every fruit they all have seeds an avacodo is a fruit also


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