Friday, January 27, 2012

I hate Fruit?

I hate fruit. The idea of eating any type of it makes me feel like I want to retch. I can hardly bear other people eating it, let alone eat it myself.

For example, I once went round this girl's house and she and her boyfriend blended up this witch's brew of root vegetables and fruit for breakfast - they swilled it like I swill beer, honestly I was gagging but couldn't let on for fear of seeming like an ill-mannered guest. The taste gave me nightmares for days after.

My landlord says I am bizarre and freakish (he has a well-stocked fruit bowl and and enough tins of it in his cupboards to outlast a nuclear winter) and will die of scurvy or something at a young age. Does he have a point?

I hate Fruit?
Sorry, but I agree with you.

As far as I am concerned, salad and fruit is what FOOD eats...
Reply:nah u wont die of scurvy so long as u eat veg... do u eat veg? ... if u dont get sum vitamin c tablets lol
Reply:Fruit has all of the vitamins and minerals in that we need to live on so there fore it is a vital part of our life, you will need to find another way of consuming fruit
Reply:I would worry about scurvy.

Seriously though, if you eat veggies, you should be able to get most of the vitamins you need there. Take a multivitamin also, and you should be ok.

We all hate something (mine is brussel sprouts) but the nice thing is there is enough variety of food available that we can get what we need nutritionwise and still avoid the stuff we hate. You'll be fine.
Reply:fruit is not addictive!! Buy some Vitamin C tablets
Reply:i hate fruit and i wouldnt even eat it as a child. you will not get scurvy and it doesnt necessarily mean you have low insulin (honestly, some of the answers on this site!).

make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, extra because you're not eating fruit, and as many colours as possible. have vitamin c tablets if you're worried. i dont know about you but i don't even like fruit juice, it makes me want to retch too.
Reply:Since fruit is a prime sorce of Fiber, and since Fiber helps to keep your body clean, I think I can say that you are full of ****.
Reply:No. You may be strange if you don't like any fruit at all, but bizarre and freakish, I doubt it. My grandson will only eat bananas, and yet my 2 granddaughters wouldn't touch a banana with a bargepole, they will only eat oranges which I loathe with a vengeance! You can get vitamin c from veggies or take a supplement. I haven't heard of anyone dying of scurvy in yonks!
Reply:i love fruit try to eat all
Reply:To be healthy, you need to eat fruits and vegetables as often as possible. It is best to eat them every day. If you don't like them, take fiber supplements and vitamins to get the necessary nutrients your body needs to be healthy.
Reply:Well I LOVE fruit but this is your question

Well you cant die of that, if you dont like fuit eat vegetables instead ... its much better

I wouldnt say that your a freakish person

Smelling red/green apples i heard could make u healthy and i think banana


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