Friday, January 27, 2012

Fruit juice ice pops for teething?

We have all natural fruit juice popsicles at our grocery store I was thinking about getting my son for teething. He's been teething so bad lately and is getting, what I think to be 4 top teeth at once. He's really fussy and just wants to chew on everything. I would think the cold would help, but he's not a big fan of just plain ice. He's 8 months old so do you think a few nibbles and sucks on a fruit juice pop (of course I would be sure not to get the kind filled with high fructose corn syrup...which could result in me possibly making my own version with his baby juice) would be harmful?

Fruit juice ice pops for teething?
u can give him frozen plain yogurt, teething rusks or a cold banana.

good luck
Reply:thank you.

teething is always annoying not only for the baby but, also for the mom ;) .

good luck again :) Report It
Reply:My nephew(9MO) who lives with me is using a pacifier thing with a little net on the end instead of the fake nipple thing and you can fill it with stuff, we have been putting fresh mango pieces in it then put it in the freezer and he absolutely loves it and he just had 4 teeth come in. It worked for us, I just dont know where to get it from or what it is technically called... hope that helps!
Reply:My daughter LOVES fruit pops! I made orange juice ones w/o all the sugar, and she'll chew and suck on them for a good hour.

I also take a wash cloth, place a few pieces of ice in the middle and tie it up. She'll got crazy with that too. It's a little cleaner than popsicles and if it melts all over, it's just water!
Reply:My 8 mos. old is teething as well but he hates anything cold. I diluted some juice, put it in the freezer in ice cube trays with popcicle sticks for him but like I said, he won't put anything in his mouth that's cold. I finally bought some infant Advil this morning because he's chewing on everything including me!
Reply:I would be careful with that as you will probably have a big mess on your hands. I tried that when my son was teething and all he did was draw all over himself, the highchair and the wall. I don't think he ever put it in his mouth. I just put his teethers in the freezer. He likes the bumpy texture and the coldness. My son got all 4 of his top teeth in at once as well and he was just fine with a frozen teether and a little tylenol at bed time. You could try frozen waffles if he wants something with a little flavor. Just make sure the are plain and not with little blueberries or chocolate chips in them.
Reply:A few nibbles would not do any harm but i know my son would not take ice, he hates it, have you tried teething gels and put a teething ring in the freezer for a while, my son liked that, the cold was good for his gums.
Reply:I don't see how it could hurt, though it will make a huuuuge mess.

However you can also freeze breastmilk or formula and use that instead.
Reply:I would not give him those!

Freeze a wet washcloth and let him chew on that.
Reply:Sometimes with teething a small fever and diarrhea occur. Is this the case with your child. If so instead of fruit Popsicles you should try pedialite Popsicles (found in the baby food aisle) this will not only help with teething pain but also prevent dehydration.

Good luck.
Reply:If you did it and he went nuts over them, that could end up being a lot of juice! I'd dilute his juice and make popsicles.

And the cold wet washcloth is a great idea!! My daughter loved that.

Edit: The safe feeder mentioned is a good idea, but my daughter wouldn't use it. Some kids will though.
Reply:I don't see the harm in trying them or making your own and giving it a shot.

Frozen waffles or frozen fruit which you can put in the mesh bag feeders work well too.

Btw... don't use the pedialite pops as a preventative measure, only corrective.

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