Saturday, January 21, 2012

What makes a vegetable a fruit?

i mean... what makes a fruit, well, a fruit, and what makes a vegetable a vegetable? because i know that , for example, a bannana is a fruit, but so is a tomato?

( to make this clearer, what qualities should a fruit have to be a fruit?)

thanks for the answers :)

What makes a vegetable a fruit?
Fruits are or contain seeds, they develop from the ovaries. Nuts,

olives, tomatoes, peas and runner beans are all examples of fruits, as

well as the obvious ones like apples, oranges and grapes. Vegetables

are non-seed containing plant matter. They include leaves, such as

cabbage, lettuce or watercress; roots, e.g. carrots or beetroot;

bulbs, like onions, and tubers such as potatoes."
Reply:A vegetable can only be a fruit if it is a tomato!
Reply:Fruits contain seeds and Veggies are the seeds or roots. In some cases, fruits do not appear to contain seeds...but that is only because they have been genetically altered. For example bananas actaully have the seed(s) running through the middle...sometimes you can still see where they were... you can only grow a seedless fruit through grafting (which is planting a section of the tree).
Reply:Fruits *have* seeds: (pumpkin, tomato, lemon)

Vegetables *don't* have seeds (potato, lettuce, broccoli)

Reply:So where does that leave peas, beans (of all types), watermelon, cantelope, zucchini, eggplant, corn, and grapes???? Enquiring minds wonder?

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