Tuesday, January 24, 2012

If a fruit is seedless, does that make it a vegetable?

Since fruit is defined as having seeds, perhaps there should be a different phrase used instead of the oxymoron "seedless fruit."


If a fruit is seedless, does that make it a vegetable?
All so called seedless fruits are not seedless. Take the seedless watermelon, cut it open and you won't have any of those big black seeds so it is marketed as seedless. If you look close you will find tiny white sterile seeds. They are very tender and you can eat them without even knowing they are there, but they are the watermelon seeds just like the regular ones, only sterile. You could dig them out and plant them, but of course they wouldn't grow. The same thing in the banana, slice one open and the tiny black dots that you see inside them are the sterile seeds. So rather than making a seedless fruit a vegetable, they are really just technically labeled wrong. They are really not seedless at all.

If you would allow me a suggestion, you would probably get better answers to some of your questions in the agriculture section.
Reply:Naturally all fruits have seeds, however, genetic alteration can change this, but they are still considered fruits.
Reply:The answer is no. A fruit that is "seedless" has been bred for that trait or has happened naturally through a mutation. They can truly be seedless like naval oranges which have been reproduced vegetatively instead of sexually by seeds. The term vegetable is used loosely to describe a plant that we eat that is not part of the fruiting structure. For instance, lettuce would be a vegetable because we eat the leaves but corn because the ears have seeds that can grow a new plant, is a fruit.
Reply:Just use common sense. Just because it's seedless and tastes the same as ones with seeds in them. Why should they be called veggies? Hu?
Reply:if a fruit was seedless it wouldn't be a fruit now would it
Reply:No. Because it is still the ripened ovary of a plant whether it has seeds or not.
Reply:because some fruits over time have been grown in altered situations so they no longer have seeds. also some fruit's seeds are quite small, so you dont notice them and consider them seedless. then in some cases like the banana the fruit is the seed

Generally fruits came from a tree, with tough branches

leaves of trees are not eaten as vegetables

generally vegetables have soft branches and leaves

- most or almost all don't bear fruits because it can not the load

- they produce flowers then seed directly

these two are different

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