Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fruit Or Vegetable that LESSENS calories??

I remember from awhile back I read something that said there was some kind of fruit or vegetable that lessens your calorie intake but I can't remember the name. What fruit or vegetable is it??

Fruit Or Vegetable that LESSENS calories??
it is said that the body uses more calories to digest apples and celery, for example, than they actually have in them because they are high in fiber. But most fruits and veges take about as much energy to digest than they supply. just keep eating those grenn leafy veges and those hard work fruits!
Reply:Lettuce is the same way. It takes more calories to digest the lettuce then the actual lettuce contains itself. But be careful what you put with/on the lettuce.
Reply:Celery is the only one that has fewer calories than it takes to eat it.

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