Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fruit Flys ?

I work at a pet store and when we give fruit and veggies to some of our animals, we get a ton of fruit flies. I was wondering if anybody knows a natural way to get rid of them ?, because I cannot use any chemicals near the animals

Fruit Flys ?
Put two ounces of cider vinegar in a juice glass or baby food jar, add two drops of liquid dish washing soap, set out several of these jars and wait a few days and look thru the bottom, you won't believe how many fruit flies are in the bottom, change this mixture once a week until you no longer see any fruit flies..
Reply:we get fruit flies in our house all the time, but I only know one way to get rid of them. For at least 24 hours, you can not have fruit out at all because any fruit will attract the flies and they will lay their eggs on that fruit. I know that you have to feed the animals fruit, but maybe for a few days you can feed them pellets or something.
Reply:Spray with vinegar and water.

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