Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are fruit and veg fattening - also what is the diet for rapid wight loss?

i was told that eating as much fruit and veg as you want wouldnt be fattening - is this true

for instance potateos are a vegtable so i dont think they are fattening but a baked potato is..i think

the same with fruit - do apples oranges or strawberries contain lots of caleries?

also a friend of mine went in for heart surgery a few years ago and his doctor gave him a diet of fruit and veg that makes you lose upto 7 ibs a week - i know that long term this would be very bad for you but does anyone know where i can find a copy of such a diet?

Are fruit and veg fattening - also what is the diet for rapid wight loss?
If u want to lose weight fast try food poisoning..I recommend my local kebab house as they are defo serving up staff terriers..Dont believe all this garbage about dogs bein stolen to fight...THE KEBAB HOUSES ARE WIPING OUT ALL OUR DOG BREEDS!!!
Reply:1-unfattening fruit and veg should not containing suger or starch

2-coli flower,spange,eggplant
Reply:it really all depends. veggies and fruits have great nutritional value but it is true that some are higher in calories than others. you should really look at the sugar content. sugar is what makes you gain weight. for instance watermelon has much more sugar than a grapefruit. watermelon is really good for you but if its the calories you're worried about than its probably best to limit your portions. potatoes are really starchy and if you're trying to lose weight its a good idea to avoid them. an apple is about 80 calories. a cup of strawberries is about 50 calories. as for an all fruit and veggie diet..big mistake. the best way to lose weight is to increase the protein and decrease carbs. i've lost almost 40 pounds by limiting my carbs, including fruit, and eating mostly protein.
Reply:The Atkins Diet. Get a book from your local library.

Also there are lots adverts in the press from some slimming groups about people who have to lose more than 3 stone.

Be aware these courses may be expensive and involve taken pills which effect the body in such a way they can make some people ill.

If you consider this cousrse of action then speak to your doctor first.
Reply:They say "fresh is best". Potatoes are not fattening, however it is what we put on them that is or how they are cooked can be eg: fried. Lots of fruit and veggies are good for you. However, make sure that you keep your vitamin intake up to snuff because although f/v are good they are limiting on vitamins.
Reply:Nope.Not at all.Eating alot of fruits nd veggies help you stay skinny,nd healthy.
Reply:well the fastest way to loose weight is to cut back on sugars and carbs and eat mainly proteins and low carb vegetables like lettuces, zuchhini, squash, asparagus, green beans etc etc
Reply:I did one that lets you lose up to 7lbs in a 3 days. Its a heart foundation one (given to patients who need to lose weight before they have surgery.

You've got to drink at lease 3 pints of water a day (no other drinks apart from tea where stated) and the rest as follows


black tea

1 banana

1 slice of toast

half a grapefruit

teaspoon peanut butter


1 hard boiled egg

1 slice of toast

4oz tuna (about a tin, in brine)


4oz broccoli

4oz cauliflower

4oz carrots

2 slices of cold meat

4oz vanilla ice cream

Everything has to be plain, not butter milk or sugar and in three days you will have lost weight. It works by the foods you eat burning each other off. You cant mix the foods around, it wont work.

If you don't really need to lose weight don't do it, its not very healthy. xx
Reply:Not true,fruits have a lot of sugar. You need to eat small sufficient portions 3 times a day, no junk food, lots of water, regular healthy exercise, chew your food completely and eat slowly, and visualize where you want to be. It's common sense
Reply:EXERCISE and MODERATION is the key to weight loss
Reply:Fruit %26amp; veg have different amounts of carbs %26amp; calories - but you add the fat to them (which is the real problem as it sticks with you and is difficult for the body to convert into energy) when you pour the cream over the strawberries %26amp; add the butter to the spuds! A baked potato is not "fattening" until you add the lump of butter/cheese/sour cream etc. to make it an interesting meal.

A baked spud with baked beans on the other hand is healthy, nutritious %26amp; MUCH less of a fattener!
Reply:Too much of anything can be fatty and unhealthy

Eat everything in moderation.

Jacket potatos arent unhealthy, Why do you think potatos are non fattening but jacket potatos are? They are the same thing.

Strawberries and raspberries are the healthiest fruit although they have alot of sugar in. Bananas contain most calories which is 100 per banana which isn't alot either.
Reply:Yes, surprisingly there are loads of calories in fruit - an apple and a pear have about 150 calories each! A baked potaoto is about 280

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